Along the Journey

Welcome! I’m so glad you decided to join me today!

close up shot of magnolia bloom showing center

this week

I think I say this Every. Single. Week……but really, where in the world does time go?? It’s already Saturday! I’m still back on Tuesday!

Even though it’s moving by quickly, I’m still trying to take some time for the important things in life.

Like spending a few hours with one of our grandkids and our daughter yesterday. It was a special day of playing and hanging out together.

It also involved a trip to Chic-fil-A! Waffle fries with my loved ones – what a great Friday!

recent projects

This week, I shared how to paint an oak dresser using black chalk paint. Some people are afraid of black paint, but I will walk you through the process to create a gorgeous look for your next furniture makeover!

I also shared my collection of brass pieces (especially candlesticks!) and I share how to tell if they are really brass! It’s super easy to distinguish between the real deal and the fake with one easy tip! You can even carry the little ‘tool’ in your purse when you are out thrift shopping 🙂

Tap the images to see the posts!

recent YouTube video

Steve and I spent the weekend in Staunton, Virginia and of course we went thrift shopping! You can see the goodies we found by clicking the video below!

Go ahead and subscribe while you are over there so you don’t miss our thrift hauls and thrift store makeover videos!

two people thrift shopping in Staunton VA

recent podcast episode

In this week’s podcast episode, we chat about an amazing furniture makeover we did several years ago. It’s a favorite over on Pinterest with thousands of saves. I’m sure you will enjoy this conversation!

Just tap the image below to listen on Apple Podcast. We also have a video version if you would like to watch instead of listen!

recent episodes

Here is a list of all of our recent podcast episodes!

inspiration from the web

With fall and winter coming and all of the gatherings you will be having, you might be thinking about decor and how to change it up. My friend Karen from The Slipcover Maker can show you how to make your own slipcover that will transform your sofa or side chairs for a whole new look!

Look at the slipcover on that chair! Soooo pretty!

Let her know Cindy sent ya’!

slipcover maker

shop with me for fall decor

The following post may contain affiliate links. That means if you click and then buy something, I will make a small commission at no additional cost to you! Thank you for supporting my blog. full disclosure here.

You are probably like me and thinking about some fall home decorating! The temps have been so hot here in Delaware this week and it has me thinking about the cooler temps of the fall season.

So I’ve been gathering some ideas from Walmart! Throw pillows, cozy throws and a few faux pumpkins. I’ve even included the cutest little fireplace that would really cozy up any room! I bought one for our bedroom last year and we love it!

Visit my Amazon Storefront!

Click the button below and head over to our online shop on Amazon!

Until next time…

Shop for all your paint

supplies here!

Dixie Belle has what you need for your next project!

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  1. Donna Marie says:

    I would like to know if you would recommend painting our kitchen cabinets (which are black) with chalk paint? They need painting!

    1. Hi Donna! If you decide to paint your cabinets, I would recommend you use a chalk paint that also has a primer and sealer built in. You will still need to prime but this piant will be an added benefit. Our cabinets were a dark stain and I painted over them with this paint. Here is a post that will help you!: